Climate Change : The Crime of All Time
Definition of a 'crime against humanity'.
serious attack on human dignity or grave .. degradation of .. human beings-- --widespread or systematic practice--
government policy -- tolerated or condoned -- against civilian population --with knowledge
The Rome Statute Crimes against humanity
Climate Crime
Guilty Parties
.And that is what is at stake, our ability to live on planet Earth, to have a future as a civilization. I believe this is a moral issue, it is our time to rise again to secure our future. Al Gore.
Dr. Peter Carter
Elizabeth Woodworth
Foreward by
James E. Hansen
April 2018
Clarity Press
The Big banks
Nations are economically controlled by the big private banks, through the so-called
Wikipedia List of countries by external debt
4 Nov 2019 The Planet’s Most Destructive:
The Climate Culprit 100
The wanton destruction of the biosphere/Earth/the natural global environment is obviously the crime of all time, but our civilization that is the cause of the destruction is unwilling to acknowledge the fact. There are powerful guilty parties in respect to law and ethics,