Global Climate Change
The Crime of All Time
‘...the intentional infliction of conditions of life, -the deprivation of access to food and medicine, calculated to bring about the destruction of part of a population; Rome Statute
2012 estimate of deaths
2009 estimate of deaths 300,000 of the most economically deprived and global climate change innocent human beings are being killed every year by climate change caused by industrial greenhouse emissions. (Global Humanitarian Forum 2009).
The approximate degree of global warming that would result from continued 'business as usual global emissions was established and acknowledged by all nations in 1990.
The 1990 IPCC projections were the same as the last Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment in 2007 (see below).
The 1990 assessment projected that continuing business as usual global emissions the global temperature increase by 2100 would be 4.25C with the top of the probability range at 6.25C. The 1990 assessment said that the full degree of warming committed at any time would be double the global temperature increase at that time, and the temperature increase could last for centuries.
The response has been to constantly increase the rate emissions.
The Smoking GunEmissions have even increased coincidentally with periods of greatest publicity on the dangers of global warming.
Since 1990 the acceleration of carbon emissions increased further.
Through this period of time there have been five assessments published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC
This 2008 EU science document for the EU 2C policy is the most telling global climate change assessment and provides total proof of the immense crime that allowing the the global temperature to increase by 2C is. (Click on 2C to read report)
click to enlarge
by date
July 2021 Crime Without Punishment: Exploring Corporate Liability for Climate Crimes at the International Criminal Court
The Acceleration of Global Warming as Crime Against Humanity:
The fossil fuel Earth killers The rise in global atmospheric CO2, surface temperature, and sea level from emissions traced to major carbon producers, B. Ekwurzel, 2017
Health impacts
Children vulnerable
Jan 2022 WEF
Failure of Climate Action: Top Risk
Global Risk Report 2022
World Economic Forum